Friday, November 25, 2005

mushroom soup + garlic bread + Madagascar cartoon!

Studied about 6 hours today... came back didn't feel like continuing to study anymore. :S jialat sia.. Haha.. so what did I do lei? Best... I did everything I could possibly think of except studying! :)

I phoned home, talked to mum *:) love you, mummy... I did my laundry, I decided to make mushroom soup, eat with garlic bread.. then I thought.. what could have been better with food to eat? haha.. A movie! So I watched Madagascar.. a cartoon in my laptop for quite some time but didn't got time to watch. that's my supper time.. mushroom soup + garlic bread + a kid movie ^^

Time flies... before I know it. It's already.. now! 2.08am..


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