Thursday, September 28, 2006


like the momentarily spark of light
I thought I actually did see myself
through the eyes of others

I've found the lost part of me
for a while... awesome ^^

when will I see you again?
I miss being with me.

I am so dead tired today, been singing since 3+pm til 9pm, studied whole morning, slept less than 5 hours last night. life of a singer? not quite. I can't possibly concentrate on doing work right now.

Actually I have lots to say about choir now.. haha.. but, *yes, there's always a 'but'* ;) then again, I think I'll just not blog about choir today.

Realised that people around me are mostly younger than I am! I am getting older, no denial about that. Well, don't think too much about that! *young at heart* =p

There's a tendency of giving a general view on a person. It's like passing a judgment on a person without knowing that person well enough. Don't know, perhpas I'm getting rather weird at times, I like to watch people. When I'm quiet, I just like to watch, listen, & observe; and no, I'm not being fully objective. (some interesting observations in the bus journey back yesterday, in school today, choir.. but yeah, no time to pen it down. haha.)

The roles people play everyday, to different people, different setting.. there's such a myriad function! Simply astonishing & eye-opening if you look carefully enough. ;)

Yeah, weird girl I am. But then again *oops, but again*, come to think of it, it's kinda unhealthy 'cos it's very difficult for me to establish anything secure with anyone. Trust factor!

p.s. Btw, I think a pair of PRC couple is having a row... Haha.. oops! I can hear it clearly from my room.

Haha, yeah, I am bitchy to a certain degree. and yes, very stubborn.

Pardon the messy style of writing. I'm tired to the bone. Good night!
it's a starless night, the sky is red, I think it's going to rain.. oh great, I can be a weather forecast girl!

Crap! =p

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