Friday, September 15, 2006

WARNING:*It's not worth reading!*

it is one of those days where everything didn't turn out right from start
feeling troubled (dunno why... due to stress, I guess)
overslept, only woke up at 10am (missed my lecture)
grumpy mood, slight migrane,
"today is going to be like hell of a s***." I thought..
rained heavily when I stepped out of my place
awesome, was half drenched.. even with an umbrella
mood was sulky the whole morning (I suspect it'll last throughout the day)
tutorial was okay (finally something makes sense by mid-day)
rain hasn't stopped
still pitter-patter-ing on the roof top
and it's getting on my nerves

what's with me and that agitation?
Oh and, you know what, NO, I am not OK.
I just chose to be unhappy today and unhappy I will be.
this is just great.

See, I told you not to read this... I'll be back to normal soon enough.

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