Tuesday, March 21, 2006


no. 1 symptom: breathing

thank goodness I know I am still alive.

today was alright. despite the fact I woke up with a heavy head which resulted me skipping lectures... I guess it was the scarce sleep plus yesterday roller-coaster-emotional ride. I'm mad at myself sometimes.

the evening ended with a light heart... went to listen to a networking talk. seriously, it was just a good laugh session.. I don't care, as long as I had my fair share dose of laughter. oh, and is lady luck with me or what? I won a free book.. though I could have won the ipod-nano if the 1st called person was there to redeem his/her reward. (2 free books giveaway and 2 ipod-nano). Anyway, I love free stuff, who doesn't? what more is a lucky draw prize!! makes me feel gay for the day... ok, I'm a cheap person, I admit I like cheap stuff even more love free stuff!

yes, I'm still breathing alright... just to check that I'm still alive.

I dunno why the sudden emptiness...

I want to learn to love, and be loved
like the close kinship of the ocean and the rocks
oh, hush..
whisper lest the angels heard my complaints
for I've been granted a loving family
what could I demand for more

All will be well... I hope. self comforting myself... I yearn to be in the arms of my angel... least I'm still breathing, [breathe in... out...] I'm alive =)

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