Sunday, April 06, 2008

"time kya hai?"

Kurien was so proud of me, Chinese girl speaking Hindi, although only one sentence, I have forgotten the rest of my lessons haha. I gotta learn more than just that.

First Mallu party I went, great food & company (: Thanks Sherene. hugs!

April bad luck? I think so too, first the bungalow, then the We Will Rock You concert. Damn. But is ok.. life moves on. I got used to all the shit happening in my life... I've accepted it, what can you do man, just live with it! haan (:

We just have to learn to live life happily, yes it is a decision, everyone can make that decision (:

"time kya hai?"
"11.37pm yaar"

Haan, running late, so good night, milenge yaar (: love ya Kundi

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