Monday, April 30, 2007

Laughs of the week

need to spice up my blog a bit! :)

Scene 1. On the way to have lunch in Macs.
Aaron: Hey, you guys wait for me k, I go pee first, very fast.
me: Can… you go ‘P’ we go ‘Q’ k
Haha… instant laughter, luckily Aaron didn't hear it. Kurien gave me the stare and rolled eyes.
me: OMG, I just did it again… haha. Please don't tell what I just did..

Kurien: Hahahaha..
And yes, being the usual Kurien, he told everyone we met. :p

Scene 2. After shower
Huixian: Hey, your slippers are very slippery.
Aaron & I instantly exchanged looks... I kept quiet.
Aaron: Say it, I know you are going to say it...
me (trying not to laugh): No, I'm not going to say it. You knew what I was going to say... you are as lame. You say!
Aaron: Haha no, I don't. Say it, I can feel it's coming...
me: No, I'm not going to say.
Huixian: What...
me: Nothing. Some lame thing again.
Haha.. yay, I won! I didn't say it.

Don't I have better things to do? Haha... actually there were more funny moments during the whole weekend, but I forgot, see I don't always remember what I said, I'm trying to control it already ok? :p Kur, why not you document them haha... we could make a career out of it and be famous.


kuriakonz said...

Poster for "NUS Run"

Joanne: How can NUS run?
Me: ...
Aaron: like its obvious where she comes from! The locals dont talk like this!

-xian- said...

can't breathe..!! laughing too much.. omigosh.. joanne!! *gasping for air*

i want to hear more i think.. heehee..


piggy said...

Haha.. thanks kurien :) I was laughing in office when I saw it haha.. like a mad girl.

kuriakonz said...

The thing in riverside that throws you into the air.. reverse bungee? something like that.

Martin: Singapore training its young astronauts.
Joanne: What if they are wearing heels? and they go anf the heels drop down and it falls and hits on somebody's head and...
Me: Joanne STOP!