Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Now & Then

When I look back into the past... I find life is really an irony...

In secondary/high school... Back then...
..belong to group of ppl who are the significant ones... teachers know us... and we are the so-called more "popular" clique in class.. will be called out most of the time in class...
..the teacher will sometimes separate us 'cos we are too noisy or create too much chaos... haha...
..most of the teachers like us and know our names...
..was once belong to the smart and fun ppl...
..will be solving problems till 4am and still happily doing it... next day still can present in class...

Today... in NUS... in the quiet and passive group of ppl... seldom speak out in class... became the boring ones...
..what name? haha... the name even kena miscalled at times...
..the teacher doesn't even care to bother...
..teachers do not dislike nor favor us... I am just insignificant... a slow, blurr and stupid girl...
..yes... still doing work till outrageous hours... but will be wasting hours trying to solve that few Q and never able to get the answers and dunno really what's happening... only end up in giving up and go n copy answer in class... forget about presenting answers... don't go throw face can le...

What a contrast!! haha... I say... isn't life an irony? Life is a cycle... 曾经是座高山,今日只是片平原。

But one thing never changed... I am still me... *:) just my environment changed. I am now in a much more challenging world... where all the 神(s) are... actually I should be happy to be able to be here with the gods and goddesses. I may not be one of them but at least I am amongst them. :) maybe one day... some kind god/goddess will enlighten 鸟儿。Really tired competing and trying to be one of them... I will just do my best and hope that one day my hardwork will 感动 the sky... haha... really crap la me...

why ppl do improve but I am not? I feel so stagnant at times... is like 逆水行舟 here in NUS... going at a constant flowrate same as the stream flow will just keep you in that position... relax a bit... will go downstream... a bit lazy will end up sending myself into the sea... then to the ocean... and by then is bye-bye lost forever... will never get into the stream ever again. So, don't even think of stop rowing the boat... don't think at all! just keep rowing and 加油... till die also must keep rowing... haha... siao4 liao girl... 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。I just need to find that village... ;)

Actually, I should be grateful for all the things.. yes, I should...
*:) 开开心心做平原吧!

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