An illusion?
Perhaps... for it can't be seen,
can't be touched,
can't be felt,
can't be smelt,
can't be sensed,
can't be heard,
can't be imagined,
can't be grasped..
But then, everyone is fighting against time,
chasing after time,
battling with time,
struggling to outwit time...
If time is an illusion, it is not even there...
when you are there it won't be there anymore.
Confusing myself... :S
I ought to do someting else better than thinking about some illusion
Oh no... I'm running out of time to finish my work!
Time again... there never will be enough time anyway...
Time is like holding water with your 2 palms... no matter how hard you clasp your hands together, water will still seep thru and within few seconds, all the water is gone.
It seems to be there, but then again, at the same time it never was there with you...
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