Thursday, August 23, 2007


I miss a lot of things
I hell do
Life is too short to be missed
Life is too short to be judged
Just live it
Life is short, and it sucks most of the time

I'm having conversations with myself in my head all the time
If I have gone missing, who will notice my absence? Perhaps I'll just be a Jane Doe.

Talking is overrated
Silence is overrated

Whole world changes when someone you love dies or leaves, life will never be the same anymore and you will never be okay as before. But people move on, pretending to be ok.

Love is overrated.

When the worst case scenario comes true, clinging onto hope is all we got left.
It's exhausting.

Letting go seems impossible. What does it feel like to be at ground zero again?

NUS Choir shouldn't really be part of my life now, but I couldn't seem to get it out of my system. Told you the moving on part is obviously not working well with me.

Addictions kill.
Slow death.

Life is overrated. Seriously.

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