Saturday, January 27, 2007

stay with me... just a moment.

Lab schedule is making life so shitty.

Don't mention about scarcity of sleep... I think I should just sleep early since I have to wake up early everyday by default except on Sundays sometimes.

I am losing touch with lots of things, the only thing I'm getting in touch back is soccer. I'm losing everything else gradually... is this the beginning of the pivotal point of graduation? sigh.

Stay with me... just a moment. And that, too, shall pass, and life continues on its shitty journey once more.

Friday, January 26, 2007

For One More Day

Despite crazy school schedule, I still manage to finish Mitch Albom's new book For One More Day

Story about having one more day with love ones who have passed. Quite emotional book; but yes, it was a nice read. :)

For one more day - What would one trade that for?

In the first place, does it even exist? Why give people hope if there's nothing at the end of the rainbow? Or maybe people live on hope every day, regardless whether they are real or not. Perhaps that is the driving force... hoping, clinching on something that one desires, wishing for some miracle to happen. But, deep down inside, everyone knows that it may be as good as it never exists.

But then again, I prefer Tuesdays with Morrie.

Bottom line, do not wait for that one day. Treasure your love ones everyday *smiles* do not wait till it's too late. In fact, treasure EVERYONE that have crossed your life... I do.

Thanks peeps. *hugs*

with love

Monday, January 22, 2007


and the world smiles back to you...

whatever shit happens, life still goes on, and the sun still rises from the east.

Telling myself that not to worry too much. Just live everyday to the fullest and yes, am trying to keep my optimism high.

smile... it's infectious, and it lightens the whole atmosphere.


Monday, January 15, 2007


Rarely do I say any prayers, nor am I convinced that I honestly believe in any. However, this morning, I silently said one.

I prayed for the better, somehow there's a little doubt. Even if the worst is to befall, I pray for the strength, and love, enough for me to walk on the troubled roads ahead.

The waited call never rung, until now. Still waiting... Perhaps things will be all right this time, but not forever, not for long.

And to a dear friend, thank you for listening me out at a time like this. *hugs*

with love,


I dislike to be pushed around.

Please don't put me in circles as well.

Thanks, I'll appreciate a simple 'NO' very much and rejection isn't too hard to accept.

Am I a reject? haha.

*smiles* Anyway nice evening out with you peeps.

Yes, seniors have survived, so can we :)

Haha.. and by the way, there's no such thing as over optimistic! :p

We are all forced to push to our limits to give our best! *jiayou everyone*

with love,

Friday, January 12, 2007

week 1

kinda hectic it is. But then, it's pretty much ok. Oh well, it's the end of the week, and we're all still doing fine right?

deadlines.. One of the depressing things on earth. haha. we all learn to live with it.

generally ok. The worse has yet to come. *wink* Anyway, it's my final semester in university, and most probably the last few months in my entire life to study in school. sobs.. I'm going to miss studying life a lot, like, really A LOT!

Joanne is grateful, she is... *smiles* She promises herself not to let her last few months waste by meaninglessly or fretting about minuscule unimportant stuff or get herself stressed up for no rationale reason etc.

Life is too short to keep worrying. By the time you even noticed, so much things have actually passed, and you might just missed the most wonderful thing that might happen to you in life!

Anyway, thank you everyone! *hugs*

Sunday, January 07, 2007


I feel blessed to have such great friends around me. :)

life doesn't suck that bad after all *smile*

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I love you!


Life sucks & full of shit! Haha, but at least I have you peeps stuck here with me too!

Me getting crazy again.. :p

Goodnight & sweet dreams!**

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

forever & ever?

"Will you still love me in the morning?"

"Forever & ever, babe."

sounds pretty much like a fairy tale ending... does it even occur in real life? in dreams perhaps.

"Family comes first."

That goes without a doubt.

The heart desires something but it feels like the whole universe conspires against the heart's wish.

There has been changes.. more the change of heart than the change of mind. *smiles* Well, New Year, New Change. Wish everyone the best in everything!! :) *hugs*

Monday, January 01, 2007

two double "oh" seven

Dear all,

Happy New Year!! May all things be bright and beautiful in 2007! *hugs*

Take care~
