Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Answered prayers

My prayers were answered
Perhaps there is God after all
or maybe there is a great force of the universe
that help those who are in dire

I've got a room in RVR Tower Block!
a great sense of relieve
you have no idea what joy this is to me

Thank you OSA
for giving me shelter for the next 12 months
in my academic year in NUS.

If there is a God, thank you!

Friday, June 23, 2006


ever felt so lost?
ever felt so uncertain?
ever felt so afraid for nightfall?

I'm desperate of getting a place to live
OSA rejected my appeal
I'm on the edge of the brink

My final year in school
My only chance to mark my life in NUS...
taken away from me

I still wanna be in NUS Choir
I still wanna have my campus life
The only semester I thought my life in NUS will get better
everything just went wrong!

I am tired of asking myself "why me..."
I am tired of hoping.. and get disappointed in return

Am I so not deserved an opportunity?

why me...