life is beautiful.. a long journey filled with wonders waiting to be discovered. Do stop n think at crossroads or humps, do not be hasty.. and also not forget to spend some time enjoying the simple things in life where money can't buy... :)
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Wow.. I see some spider webs around here, heh :p ought to post something here today. Hey, it's Christmas! ;) Wish all well and happy always and may the season of hope and sharing radiates throughout the universe.
New semester going to start soon.. been spending my holidays with my big family. It was a nice holiday with everyone back home.. my house was like housing 15 people during the holidays (somtimes even more than 20)! How exciting! Of course there are some quarrels here and there.. what do you expect with so many kids running around the house heh? haha.. Anyway it was long before I felt such happiness and noisiness at home.. it's great. My relatives going to go back soon.. another few more days.. After which, I'll enjoy a few more days of peace and I should be heading back to school soon after the New Year!
Till then, let's enjoy the joy of Xmas and fill the town with LOVE!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
super expensive & super full dinner
But the dinner was good, and satisfatory.. haha.. wouldn't say is GREAT cos I'm not a sushi eater.. was contemplating whether should I just call ala carte or buffet.. hmm.. but then, after calculations.. it comes to about the same price.. so decided on buffet. Haha.. I think xmy & ate really A LOT... best... I ate at least 10 plates! Good... dunno put on how much fat + calories + cholesterol + sugar content hahaha... yes cos a lot of carbs ma.. all will turn into sugar eventually. Hmm.. since when I'm so concern about my diet.. haha.. jialat.. no, cannot like this eat.. I see the way we eat and the amount of food we take.. :S really a bit scary.. haha..
Overall, I think it's nice.. a big group of us get together to have dinner.. =) It was nice.
Anyway, I'm going home.. best time.. haha.. cos I'm already broke! really looking forward to it.. n I'm suppose to wake up early tmr morning.. what time is it liao girl.. and my things are sooo unpacked yet. Best.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
End of one chapter
Not a fantastic finish, but yeah, really glad it's over.. think I can't pull up my CAP, again.. this semester. haha.. been trying to tell myself the same old thing again and again... next semester after next, that increased-CAP semester somehow just never arrived. :S I think by the time I graduate I'm still telling myself the same old thing.. what a loser...
Felt kinda cheated this time round.. haha.. ok, cannot blame anyone. Blame myself.
Anyway, finally can do all the things I've missed... I can read all the books that have been holding on shelves so long... I can play... I can relax... I can go home... I can go for movies... I can go shopping... I can continue on my writing... haha... I can just simply momentarily forget about school... hahaha.. momentarily only.
Btw, heard an interesting fact today... now I know the origin of Kuching. haha...
KK was trying to tell the story.. haha.. but I kept interrupting with all my stupid ideas here and there. irrelevant sia.. just too excited that I'm over with my exams. haha...
So it seems that during the British colony times, Sarawak was invaded by some pests or what, then the authority used DDT(yup, it's banned now) to kill of the whatever pests. However, some worms seemed to thrive on and began to multiply, started eating the rooftops; so they replaced Zinc roofs. hmm... I dunno why the roof part comes into the story. haha... Ok, anyway, somehow the DDT went into the food supplies, and disrupted the food chain... and this is where the cats came in, cats started dying becaused of the poisoned food. Mice multiply... (imgaine mice everywhere... eew.. haha..) So, in order to get rid of this new pest problem, the British flew in thousands of cats from Europe! haha... and they were dropped down in cartons from plane!! wow... haha... the first picture I had in mind was... cats with parachute. looks like some rescuing mission by the cats! haha... siao... ok, that's the cat-story and that's how Kuching became Kuching. :S
yup, that's the end... lame finish of a chapter. Begining of another... haha.. a fun-filled chapter begins now!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Metta Sutra
This is what should be done
By one who is skilled in goodness,
And who knows the path of peace:
Let them be able and upright,
Straightforward and gentle in speech.
Humble and not conceited,
Contented and easily satisfied.
Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways.
Peaceful and calm, and wise and skilful,
Not proud and demanding in nature.
Let them not do the slightest thing
That the wise would later reprove.
Wishing: In gladness and in safety,
May all beings be at ease.
Whatever living beings there may be;
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,
The seen and the unseen,
Those living near and far away,
Those born and to-be-born,
May all beings be at ease!
Let none deceive another,
Or despise any being in any state.
Let none through anger or ill-will
Wish harm upon another.
Even as a mother protects with her life
Her child, her only child,
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings:
Radiating kindness over the entire world
Spreading upwards to the skies,
And downwards to the depths;
Outwards and unbounded,
Freed from hatred and ill-will.
Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down
Free from drowsiness,
One should sustain this recollection.
This is said to be the sublime abiding.
By not holding to fixed views,
The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision,
Being freed from all sense desires,
Is not born again into this world.
Monday, November 28, 2005
ONE more! ;)
After the chief invigilator announced stop writing.. I started yawning.. walau.. useless pig la.. haha.. really dunno yawn how many hundred times.. :S (笑…太夸张了吧!) weird, I don't yawn when I'm doing my paper... hmm... too busy writing maybe, when stop writing, my brain turn back to my pig mode liao. haha...
Walau.. my alarm clock didn't ring this morning!!! jialat sia... luckily I still have my handphone alarm... I just let it snooze again and again (ok, I think twice only)... really lazy ah... luckily call... Thanks girl! =) if not for that call I won't crawl up to answer the phone... haha... what a word to use... "crawl"? pig doesn't crawl... pig rolls? worse... pig what.. I dunno... I only know pig sleeps.
well.. today's paper was okay.. at least I think I can do.. I think only.. haha.. btw wednesday last paper!! so happy... then can finally go celebrate & can happily go home meet everyone at home.. miss you all soo much! *:)
Haha.. ok, I dunno why am I here writing so much crap.. came back lied down a while.. but can't sleep.. or should say dare not sleep.. :S else cannot wake up how? haha.. still need to study for my wednesday EVENING paper.. ahh.. how sick can that be.. nvm.. another 54 hours I'll breathe the air of freedom... ah... I can sense it already. haha... okok... stop it.
syok sendiri saja.. :p
Hang on! will be over soon... just ONE more, SATU, 一门,ichi! ;)
Friday, November 25, 2005
losing concentration
haha.. I really don't feel like studying anymore... seeing the same thing, reading the same stuff, same diagrams, same questions.. :S where's the interesting part of life? lost.
Anyway, couldn't bear it any longer.. so I decided to go run! yes! Cannot tahan liao.. rainy season + exam season just don't make feel like going swimming, too cold.. but no exercise I get lethargic.. ahh.. don't care liao. Go run ba.. the last time I really ran was like more than half a year ago... haha.. felt very shuang.. after running. though effectively only ran 5 laps and brisk walk 2 laps :S what the... really useless The point is.. I feel great & fresher after sweating!
Okay then.. hopefully I can get some real work done for another 2 hours tonight! jiayou girl! ;)
mushroom soup + garlic bread + Madagascar cartoon!
I phoned home, talked to mum *:) love you, mummy... I did my laundry, I decided to make mushroom soup, eat with garlic bread.. then I thought.. what could have been better with food to eat? haha.. A movie! So I watched Madagascar.. a cartoon in my laptop for quite some time but didn't got time to watch. that's my supper time.. mushroom soup + garlic bread + a kid movie ^^
Time flies... before I know it. It's already.. now! 2.08am..
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Simply magical
Before movie, & went shopping for's shoe and belt, then chaiyen met us at Cineleisure and we watch HP together. It was really an enjoyable movie throughout, never a boring moment.. funny, hilarious, frightening, exciting, sad... every element is portrayed from the movie. won't say it is a spectacular movie.. but it is nicely done. I'm happy with it! =) What could I say more? Simply magical!
[Upon entering the tent during Quidditich World Cup Tournament...]
Harry Potter said in awe:"I love magic."
The tent looks shabby at the outside, but the inside is simply beautiful... it is amazing what magic could do...
Haha.. ok, girl.. come back... come back to reality. Every night go to bed can man man dream.. not now.. not here.. No no... :p
I love magic too... ;) In our life, magic comes in a different form I guess... =)
oh ya,.. not to forget we saw the works of a famous photographer who takes pictures all around the world from the helicopter.. extraordinary work!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
choices & decisions
How do we know which is better than the other? Information & knowledge are the primary tools that help us in our selection process; but what about conscience? kinship? friendship? empathy? Do we consider these factors? Are these mutually exclusives? How willingly will you bend the rule for a cause? and how do we justify the cost of the effect? sighs...
I hate making choices and decisions.. especially when there are others at stake. I guess this is life.. it is not about making the right choices or decisions; it's all about learning from all our choices and decisions made and how to live by with it. Is it so? Please tell me I'm wrong..
So many questions... but limited answers. How I wish life is much simpler like the one I build in the dreams of my own.. but sadly we all live in the world of reality.
no dreams girl... no dreams... that world of yours only exist in your dreams.
When one day my dreams do come true, that will be the day the sky and earth meets.
There are times when choices made there will be sacrificial of one sort or another upon affected parties. But if that is the best we could make out of our limited options, I guess we just have to live with it... don't we?
just some pondering thoughts... yes, I need to make a decision. make one decision makes me think so much :S siao
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
12 ways to be dead died in a very unduly disgracing manner
dead in the exam hall
killed by 2 pieces of paper, 4 pages of words inclusive of diagrams
brain dead
just pray hard...
that the angels are looking over my lost soul
and may my soul arise again
stronger and wiser
to face the challenges ahead
may rest in peace
p.s. Ginny Weasley nearly got herself killed by just a mere memory from an old diary. Why not by 4 pages of powerful papers encrypted with powerful spells!
I seriously think I should go write a book some day.
Monday, November 21, 2005
sneezy piggy
merry & lazy!
omg.. what a combi! :p
my nose is itchy
eyes are sleepy
head is heavy
my bed is calling me
looks all so comfy
but I still got to study!
cos I'm not steady
mechanics is so sucky :(
Yo.. am I very free?
write nonsense and not study?
ok enough, stop being crappy!
haha.. my nose itching again..
Seriously, Sneezy Piggy thinks she's catching a cold.
*sneezes again* Oh, god bless me!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Stellaluna (a fruit bat) is separated from her mother, rescued by strangers (birds), and forced to endure hardships (eating grasshoppers). She never gives up, strives constantly to adapt and survive, and is finally reunited with her family. At the end, Stellaluna and the birds reaffirm their friendship. Cannan Writes,
'"How can we be so different and feel so much alike?" mused Flitter
"And how can we feel so different and be so much alike?" wondered Pip.
"I think this is quite a mystery." Flap chirped.
"I agree," said Stellaluna.
"But we're friends. And that's a fact."'
I didn't write this :) took it from a website... It's the book Lucy Dawson in the movie I am Sam read.
I wonder why we do not get to read such books in school when we were little?
"How can we be so different and feel so much alike?
How can we feel so different and be so much alike?"
Ever really wondered why... maybe it's something to keep in mind to think about it.
Anyway, I got to go start studying. Ahh.. I am so reluctant. I've been slacking since yesterday's paper. Can I finish my Narnia instead?
:( Mechanics is boring and difficult to grasp.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
how I miss the life I left in melaka ^^
I miss playing with the kids (mummy's kuay kia.. haha)
I miss mummy! ^^
I miss mum's food
I miss going morning jogs with mummy.. haha (even though lazy to bangun)
I miss playing with my brother & sister.. haha (so old liao still play)
I miss going shopping (even though nothing much to shop) :p
I miss my schools & friends
I miss driving around Melaka town (when the traffic & weather is good)
I miss everything...
I miss home..
I miss the life I left in Melaka.. my hometown *:)
I want to go home and I pick up the life where I left..
and enjoy my December holidays..
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
exams are approaching...
nostalgic.. simple-mind.. content.. grateful..
a little scared.. anxious..
not really dreading it..
kinda neutral about exams.
Thinking of the past 4 semesters
of exams.. how I fought battles after battles
with friends and companions alongside..
some survived.. some scathed..
I'm fortunate enough to survive till today :)
will I be strong to face more challenges in future?
I hope I do...
still finding my source of strength to fight on
but I know.. no matter what
I am not alone.. I have family & friends..
who are supporting me always..
thank you.. ^^
I wish to embrace exams with a neutral mindset and not fear & anxiety
just a simple girl, doing her best she could..
whatever results.. I guess the process is more important?
*:) Let's all learn together..
All the best and good luck to all my fellow friends and school mates!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
weird sound
她说是祝福考试顺利。她还分给了其他朋友,随着祝福她们。*:) 天啊,原来世上还有那么的大好心人。也就在我身边而已。
只要是爱心便当,吃起来特别美味。:) 今晚宵夜的 "爱心糖水" 果然很甜;里面充满了体贴,爱心,与祝福。汤里有白苜,红枣,龙眼,莲子,白合,玉米等。谢谢!
鸟儿也真心的祝福大家考试顺利!^^ 大家加油!
Friday, November 11, 2005
explosion of a star
just a moment of light
most things in life are like the stars
a star is born
it will never last
soon after it will be back to nothingness
like how everything first began
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
The Journey
Today's sunset seemed extraordinary
Crossing the bridge between 2 nations
Sea is calm, I could see the reflection of the setting sun
I sat by the window & stared in awe the gorgeousness of nature
The sunset marks all day's work has come to an end
I continued my journey.. with hope & joy
It is just the begining of a long journey
A journey to home... (04102005)
3 days later approximately the same time, same place
I crossed the bridge between 2 nations.. again
The sea was still calm
but the sky was cloudy with tinge of red and purple
I see high rise fortresses in a land so familiar yet so foreign
this time the journey.. my heart is a bit reluctant
the traffic was very slow
I sat by the window and wonder..
What is it that awaits me in this island
I promise
not really felt bad about what I did.. but just felt utterly stupid. thanks to all the naggings.. :p Haha.. thanks a lot to all your concerns. :) it shows you all care. I've thought about it, and yes, I am silly.. shouldn't be too stupid. this isn't the way to do unto myself.
Anyway... ;) it's past, now's the time for final exams.. good luck girl! and All the best to all!*
Sunday, November 06, 2005
so I am stupid
zhiren says I'm stupid..
hmm... best.. what will xmy say? haha...
Nvm, I have nothing to comment on that. At least I don't feel doing something against my conscience. whether right or wrong.. silly or not.. is alright.. everything is over and I'm glad it is. ^^ thank you very much to my group mates and I look forward to working with you guys again next semester. I think we did quite well for our first phase. ;)
Finally can concentrate on our final exams now! everyone must jiayou!! =)
Thursday, November 03, 2005
A beautiful morning ^^
carressed my face.. touched my shoulders..
held my hands and holding me warm and tight..
(like how every mum in the world holds her child)
the world seems bright and beautiful.
I was awaken to a beautiful morning..
It wasn't a dream.. I cannot recall having a dream last night.. maybe it was an illusion. But no, it wasn't scary.. :) it was full of warmth. Was it mummy? I felt like a little girl once more.. *:) perhaps the hands belong to my guardian angel. Giving me faith and strength to move on regardless the road ahead..
Row row row your boat, gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream... ^^
Such a simple children song/rhyme, almost everyone knows this song. From very young, we were impressed by the idea that life is but a wonderful dream.
'Happily wadding through the stream of life.. in search of your dreams and destiny.'
Is this true? I do not know... but one thing for sure. I am a believer in dreams. *:)
stupid? yes? no?
One may ask... am I true to myself then? Well, at least I am true to my conscience. ^^
To me, it really doesn't matter at all. If by the end of the day, it needs to boil down who has done the most and the least, regardless how well a team is.. I mean, there has to be a no.1 and a no.10, right? I have done all I could.. maybe not as much as others.. cos I'm too stupid in my field of studies.. Haha... for this I agree I'm stupid. :p I do not know exactly how much each of the members have contributed, I can only identify the significant ones whom are the 3 or 4 few.. so what about others? Why put me at the last? Of course I'd think of myself not the last... but then again, who am I to say that they have done less than I do or more... just to be true to my conscience, I'd rather put myself last.
I do not mind at all. There is an equal probability that one of us is contributing the least... everyone measures contribution differently; since there is an equal probability, why not I just put myself as no.10? You might then argue... why not others? Reason being simple: since I do not know the truth, I'd rather put myself in the worst shoe rather than others. Is nothing life or death matter. The most I'll just get a lower grade from the rest. It won't deviate much as well... plus, I've added a general positive comment on the group. Haha... hope so... I'll be contented with just a B.
Btw I broke my specs after HR lesson today... ;( All I could see was blurry vision in Mechanics Lecture. Attended Vienna Boys' Choir concert this evening.. :) Really nice, I'm glad that I went, but I can't see their faces.. :( Luckily it wasn't a musical performance, else I really won't enjoy with my blurred vision. After I came back from concert, I mended my specs with cellophane tape. Haha... it looks umm... haha... it can only be used in the room. Damn. :p
Bottom-line: I need to get my spectacle lens replaced ASAP!!
That's my day... a silly girl's Wednesday ^^
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
其实,一个人吃饭,看电视,学习也没什么不好。^^ 至于谈心嘛,也没什么的。最多拨个电话回家就行了。想想回头,孤寂也算是一种幸福吧。
Sunday, October 30, 2005
2 scares in one week!
Almost everyone says I must learn to overcome.. but each scare just make my efforst go back twice... sigh... is so difficult to move forward without looking back at it. what can I say more... just pray hard... I really don't want to get another scare! sobs... ;(
Saturday, October 29, 2005
self-learn economics
sobz... eyes getting watery, again. Honestly, I think my eyes sight is getting worse.. :(
Anyway, I need a break now! Pray hard that everything will be 顺顺利利 and be over as soon as possible... 加油 to xmy too!! going to be over very soon =)
Too much competition makes people old and cold. It is sad to see such phenomenon everywhere... 到底你是别人的竞争者,还是自己的竞争者?It will never come to an end. Mankind are fighting and competing against mankind. Trust are no longer established. Where do this lead us? A better life? I doubt so. 人呀,到底在忙碌些什么?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Keep telling myself the same old thing, one semester after next..."I must study hard, and do better than last semester.." sighs..
Today is the last official choir practice of this semester.. glad is over and finally a break. Since when I wanted break so much from choir? Attending choir practices are very very different now... walked back in the rain after choir practice just now.. :S very cold and a bit drenched.
Suddenly felt so hungry.. only then I realised I have only eaten lunch today... sair...
After a warm nice bath, I had a warm cup of milo.. My hot milo and my ginger biscuits were really satisfying. such simple food just taste exceptionally delicious when you are hungry.. ;)
There goes my Thursday...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
yoghurt with aloe vera
"how often you get nice neighbour who gives you yoghurt?"
Anyway ^^ tried it and it taste Delicious!
无声又无息出现在心底 转眼 吞没我在寂寞里
I saw a lonestar tonight... the moon out shone its brightness, but nevertheless the lonestar is significant to me... dunno why the attraction of me towards the lonestar.. Probably is the sense of closeness..
As if someone watching over me from up above, I felt a tinge of warmth... somewhere out there, there is something that gives me a sense of familiarity amongst the wide universe. That particular lone*star kept shining brightly despite the starless sky...
Where are all the stars? have they gone to bed or have they hid themselves behind the layers of clouds.. I cannot help but wonder. The cosmos is filled with uncertainty and mystery... at one moment it's cloudy.. at another moment it's clear and red, like in rage... at next it'll be clear blue with tinge of purple gives one a feeling of calm n peace... at times it'll be a starry night.. or just a lonestar with the moon, like tonight.
While contemplating the lone star on my walk back to Tower Block.. I felt a sense of similarity between lonestar and me. ^^ dunno what does that meant... just a great appeal to it. Perhaps that is my lonestar... * during nights like this, lonestar is the one that accompanies me.. and listen to what my heart has to say.
Will I still see you again tmr... my lonestar? I wonder..
"perhaps.. even if not, you know that I will always be up there looking over you.." Lone*stAr
Friday, October 14, 2005
a friend's quote
He is right to a certain extent I guess... :) It is true that it is how you view life that makes life meaningful...
I do believe in dreams.. and I also believe that if one really has done his/her best... he/she shouldn't care about whatever is the result or outcome... sometimes it is some of the things along the process that we have gained that are even more valuable than the end result. *:) I believe in many things... and these believes of mine that give me faith that life is indeed meaningful & beautiful...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Now & Then
In secondary/high school... Back then...
..belong to group of ppl who are the significant ones... teachers know us... and we are the so-called more "popular" clique in class.. will be called out most of the time in class...
..the teacher will sometimes separate us 'cos we are too noisy or create too much chaos... haha...
..most of the teachers like us and know our names...
..was once belong to the smart and fun ppl...
..will be solving problems till 4am and still happily doing it... next day still can present in class...
Today... in NUS... in the quiet and passive group of ppl... seldom speak out in class... became the boring ones...
..what name? haha... the name even kena miscalled at times...
..the teacher doesn't even care to bother...
..teachers do not dislike nor favor us... I am just insignificant... a slow, blurr and stupid girl...
..yes... still doing work till outrageous hours... but will be wasting hours trying to solve that few Q and never able to get the answers and dunno really what's happening... only end up in giving up and go n copy answer in class... forget about presenting answers... don't go throw face can le...
What a contrast!! haha... I say... isn't life an irony? Life is a cycle... 曾经是座高山,今日只是片平原。
But one thing never changed... I am still me... *:) just my environment changed. I am now in a much more challenging world... where all the 神(s) are... actually I should be happy to be able to be here with the gods and goddesses. I may not be one of them but at least I am amongst them. :) maybe one day... some kind god/goddess will enlighten 鸟儿。Really tired competing and trying to be one of them... I will just do my best and hope that one day my hardwork will 感动 the sky... haha... really crap la me...
why ppl do improve but I am not? I feel so stagnant at times... is like 逆水行舟 here in NUS... going at a constant flowrate same as the stream flow will just keep you in that position... relax a bit... will go downstream... a bit lazy will end up sending myself into the sea... then to the ocean... and by then is bye-bye lost forever... will never get into the stream ever again. So, don't even think of stop rowing the boat... don't think at all! just keep rowing and 加油... till die also must keep rowing... haha... siao4 liao girl... 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。I just need to find that village... ;)
Actually, I should be grateful for all the things.. yes, I should... *:) 开开心心做平原吧!
Monday, October 03, 2005
A nEw daY**
Hope all things go well, and I'm looking forward to a good week ahead, I hope. ^^ [keep fingers crossed] oh, I'm going to sneeze again.. a-choo! haha... k, off to school, have a great day girl!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
lucky girl
"Life includes both rain and shine.But never forget this fact: It takes both rain and shine to make a RAINBOW."
I am a lucky girl.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
May It Be
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home
Mornie utulie ((Quenya:) Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie ((Quenya:) Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
Mornie utulie ((Quenya:) Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie ((Quenya:) Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now
may it be whatever will be... I'll do my best
even when the road is tough I'll still be strong
believe and I will find my way... :)
wish everyone the same too! don't give up!
Friday, September 30, 2005
turned a Tenor
Never mind.
Today's sectional was... neveR Mind again... I am learning... hope I didn't further confused anyone. Really paisei and sorry about it esp to the juniors if I'm really confusing... and sorry about being a little pissed at the beginning... I'm trying to be a good SL. Never mInd about choir..
No appetite. Seems like whatever I ate is not nice... haha... oh yes, the cheese biscuits were nice! Thanks girl. But a bit regret eating... really greedy. Why I like biscuits and still eat when I know my voice already like that... best now I feel worse... but then again... nEveR minD.
Dinner was equally not nice :( but never mind... I still finished it 'cos was very hungry.
My fingers and toes were cold... my face was warm... watery red eyes... burning throat... Who to complain to? Who to go to? Who will care for me right now right here? No one... NeveR mInd again. :) I can take care of myself. Felt little better after bath.
Best of all... MSN group discussion for project. :S cannot decide... 拖泥带水。Ahh... talk so much... no actions, nothing concrete at all... I really cannot take it... but nevEr mInd... I 忍... in the end I ended up coordinate everything... nvM...
So in the end, no time to do tmr's tutorial... that also nEveR MinD, cos go there can copy answer. really best...
Never mind. Nvm anything at all... I will just do my best I could. If things do not go my way, at least I did my best. haha... typing my blog already spent almost 15 minutes. could have at least read my tutorial Qs... :P But then again... NeVer mInD. *what the... *
Monday, September 26, 2005
dreamy girl
having weird dreams recent nights... very weird dreams... I really wonder... doing things out of my routine... weird things just seem like happening... oh well... maybe I'm too stressed up and think too much. All is in my head... *repeat after me...* all is in my head...
haha... Anyway good luck to me ba! ;)
Saturday, September 24, 2005
met my senior friend today.. thanks a lot! ** finally have some clear directions how to get our project going le.. we need to jiayou.. we can make it de! :) Is great to work with an efficient and dynamic team! although we have lots n lots of things to learn, source, and need to build everything from nothing! It is a challenge, let's work hard together!
3rd day since the incident le... I'm not tht angry anymore. a bit cold heart liao.. haha. heck. I just do the best I could. don't want to bother about him and no point getting angry at such irresponsible person.
jiayou ba! :)
Friday, September 23, 2005
Jay's the man!

yoz brother... this blog dedicated to you lei... thanks for helping your computer-idiot sister a.k.a. me. :P Finally my blog has background song!
At least today I can finish my individual HR assignment. Still a bit angry about yesterday's incident... arghh.. but then again... really useless getting angry at useless person. 我若气死谁如意,况且伤神又费力。unnecessary stress!
Don't want to think about that project. I 搞定 other work much better. :)
There was a HR project meeting yesterday morning in Engine. I woke up late... rushed down to immediately, arrived almost 20min late. Who knows only my friend alone was there... ok, I thought, we'll wait for the other 2 guys. And... guess what?? They arrived more than an hour late! I just cannot accept it. no doubt I was late... but I did tell my friend before hand that I'll arrived late cos I overslept.. and I did not stroll here and took my own sweet time. But did the guys told that they'll be late?? NO. were they sorry that they werer late?? NO. then what... he complained he's hungry n came without breakfast?? and he actually wanna 发脾气 at me!!! ok, perhaps I'm overly sensitive.. but what the... &^%#@*! arghh... I was really pissed. That's not it.. and they were wasting time! discussing their other project!! Ahh... I do not know how to elaborate it. I'm just plain angry.. my patience have just reached the limit. Maybe I am too sensitive.. my friend didn't complain about it.. in fact, I thought she was pretty ok with the situation... I just dunno what to say.
No, I didn't scold them... as usual 鸟儿就是被 taken for granted. Is my fault for not voicing out. and I just felt stupid. cos I let 2 irresponsible guy to ruin my day. didn't do anything at all... :(
I just need to get more things done today... can't afford to waste anymore of my time.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
鸟儿's simple nice day :)
Later, met up with Chaiyen n xiugui for lunch at Grillers.. a bit expensive lar.. :S 今天花了很多钱。 But I'm happy with it.. haha.. like very long 3 of us never go out together lei.. though a bit rush.. paisei I delayed our lunch.. :(
Then went Orchard meet up with the girls to buy Maria's present.. :) we went to her Chalet in Pasir Ris, big bungalow.. nice place.. big compound.. had a BBQ... the food were delicious!! thanks to her n her sis n mum.. for all the preparations n everything; n her cousin... for the satays n the otak.. dunno how many otak2 I ate.. :S ate till very very full... Her mum even asked me dapao cake back.. haha.. thanks a lot for everything! It was a simple BBQ gathering but nice... finally I think I found a place of myself among my ME friends.. although we are very different but we get along well :) I'm happy with that. Oh not to forget a cat fight episode during BBQ.. haha.. dunno y there many cats. weird. n saw few "xiu kiong" on the road :S gaoming ahh... luckily was not anywhere near me.
Gui's pics of SoC S15 in her blog suddenly remind me of a lot of memories... those were the days... used to go S16 that not so bright area :S outside auditorium... then we moved to the cold corner... :) Later we moved to S15 Level 3 corridor... and if we are lucky we can get the corridor end corner! My favourite study spot! :) still can remember the guy that looks like laughing buddha.. and the guy that always look wet! Don't think they are there anymore... dunno lei... haha... funny... really bad of us I think, to say ppl like that... bad girl. Anyway, I'm really happy at least S15 give me some happy memories despite the nightmares during yr 1 of programming lab sessions.. really horrible.. :S
Well, tmr will be another day... project meeting again... HR project this time. Tmr is Thursday... means choir day... another day will just pass like that... again.. I guess... :S arghh... no time le... that's the end of my mid term break! I can feel the pressure getting on me even more now... just pray hard and do my best!
船到桥头自然直…but, 船一定是直行吗?我不知道。听天由命吧!相信只要努力,一切都会有好的结果。但愿如此… 加油!^^
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
But somehow there are things just cannot be forgotten easily...
Memories are said to be history, but do you still call it history when everyday I am living in my memories?
Everyday I live in parts of my life where almost everything can invoke some parts of past memories..
It is not an option, but a natural occurance... I cannot explain either.
Weird things happen all the time... and I'm talking gibberish!
Stop, and go to bed little girl... *sweet dreams*
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
living in my portrayed world
I'm wishing on a star*
and trying to believe
that even though it's far
you'll find me dreams to live...
I believe that all things will end well... eventually.
I may be childish, the world may not seem as nice as I think it is
Perhaps I'm living in my own world
a world where dreams do come true...
Monday, September 19, 2005
有谁又能了解?心里的泪痕 有谁知道
Saturday, September 17, 2005
I'm home
sigh... feel very guilty for not doing anything whole day. just manage to read few pages of readings only... sleep a lot a lot... like I'm recuperating :S *faint* and I'm not sick or what.. what do I need to recuperate for?
always think a lot... ah... don't think too much k.. have weird dreams even more often. siao4 liao.. I really can write a book or make a movie.
cannot continue like this.. really macam dunno what am I doing. Doing everything just for the sake of it.. Hopefully when I go back school I can fully recover from my laziness and weird thoughts. No time for me to think la... need to get all my work done. I always feel I can do much more but I'm just not giving all I have.. although I'm keeping in pace with assignments and all... I just think I'm not doing my best.. everyone put so much time and effort and I am like finishing it in such short time.. :S
Anyway, I'm simply glad to be home. :) just jiayou ba girl! dunno what else can I say to mysellf anymore.. haha.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Not really exactly in a bright mood... but I try to be bright :)
All od a sudden I felt a distance between people.. seeing conflicts, arguments, discussions, conversations... somehow just felt I'm not belong in that space of time, ok, at least for that moment. Perhaps I'm just too tired.
Yes, I need a break... from everything. Can't possibly think now anymore. haha... saturated. :p
Thursday, September 15, 2005
How? macam mana? 怎么办?
After this semester break I'm really going to be 笑。'k'onfirm! Initially thought can go home on Thursday evening... then think again... aiyah.. better not ponteng choir.. although is kanasai.. but buay sai run away from my responsibility.. so will go lor... already going to skip next monday practice. Feel so bad Friday cannot meet up few of my project groupmates to go study the press.. sorry guys.. really want to go home.. already planned to. Then at first thought maybe can come back by Thurs... then think think again... better not, Wednesday better, can come back do my project.. now that I realised really tak boleh liao!!! must come back on Tuesday.. :( go home 5 days niah.. tak sampai pun.. after minus travelling time 10 hours. Sigh... need to come back pia design project, HR project, and my HR individual presentation still clueless apa nak buat... some more need to study for HR CA test.
semoga berjaya! and I so slack some more now... I am so reluctant to start do anything, cos if start is non-stop all the way. Sleep is my priority... no wonder can be a slacker... just wait n see, after term break, see still dare to sleep or not... now must sleep 报仇!haha... Anyway hopefully can survive this second half of the semester, I have no idea how... but I will... somehow... still really dunno how... need some enlightenment... where's the light? haha...
微笑。smile** whatever it is... things are only there to make you stronger and not weaker... 加油!Endure & Persevere!
macam I very great... like sai4 la... now I'm going to sleep first. :p
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
有时候更是无能为力 使人心灵憔悴
遇到挫折、困难 甚至失败 心里的泪水有何人看见
无论如何 ─ 以微笑面对 肯定自己
您的微笑 除了给自己肯定 也给人家肯定
因为简单的微笑 人生显得更有生气和希望
Do not frown... :) life is too short to keep worrying and frowning. Smile and live life wonderfully.
Monday, September 12, 2005
I was sitting on my bed reading.. then all of a sudden I heard a buzzing sound.. before I realised a bug just flew in my room... great... awesome.. clever girl who likes to open the door wide enough to invite bugs!!! stupid girl!!! ahhh... 笨蛋!My immediate reaction was.. stand up on my bed of course! I dunno why.. :S it was flying and knocking itself on the walls and cupboards.. stupid bug. grrr... does standing on higher platform help? 笨蛋!Anyway that is always my first reaction to insects! best la... whatever face also throw finish liao... My mind was racing... thinking fast.. "what should I do... what should I do... omg... I dare not kill it, I dare not chase it.. and I dunno how am I going to get the hell out of my room... where to find help laa..... " At this moment, my negihbour just past by my door.. don't care liao.. throw face then throw face.. I seek help. luckily she isn't scared... at least dare to catch... but it is really too big!! with the help of my magiclean broom... yes.. what a good idea.. :S siao4.. I was really really scared... and super paisei... I was of no help... no help at all... I managed to get out of my room somehow.. stepping on my chair... OK... finally the bee is under my broom... but the question now is... How are we suppose to get it out of my room???
"plactic bag" my friend suggested.
Anyway by this time already 3 ppl standing out of my door... why lei... cos clever Joanne's voice was heard n my friendly neighbours all came to see what's happening... walau... really 没有用!笨蛋!scold myself 3 times 笨蛋 already... tmr I will wake up as an egg... :S sunny side? I dun think so... scrambled.
ok... so another friend went to her room get plastic bag... why not my room you'd ask? 'cos the friend who is inside my room dealing with the bee dunno where I keep my bag... n I, dare not go in my room... ahh... the more I think the more stupid I am... Anyway got plastic bag but still cannot manage to get the bee inside... is really too big laa... stupid... then wenhui suggested call RA... a neighbour went to help me find yiyang (RA3) but he's asleep... :( she came back with bad news... then another neighbour came... she's my woman! *salute* she said she'll help me... oh thank goodness... I am saved. she came and battled with the bee with a stack of newspapers in her hand... now there are 4 of us standing outside my room... after few seconds... she finally conquered the bee!!! the bee is dead. :( I'm not exactly delighted with it.. but I really dunno what to do ma... is the best solution le.. haiz...
Anyway, thank you very very much to my neighbours... I will not live n write blog now without u all... paisei forgot their names... neighbour room 512 for helping me to get the bee in a fixed position & went down to call yiyang... neighbour room 502 for the plastic bag which never use in the end... room 505 (Sofia) the bravest girl... who helped me get rid of the bee... neighbour room 507 & 510 (wen hui) for the moral support.. thanks a lot a lot...
5 girls to get rid of 1 bee :( what have I done to help myself? really.. Joanne think... what have you done? Nothing! 笨蛋!A bee in my room... and I just stood there and be scared... :S How much lame can I get? Grow up Joanne... why am I always such a small girl... haiz... I wanna cry... I'm sorry Mr bee... and I feel bad about my 笨蛋-ness too...
I confirm gonna be a scrambled egg tmr... retribution of not helping myself and killing a bee... :( I'm afraid of getting nightmares again... *_*
Sunday, September 11, 2005
another pig day...
Missing him again when I wake up from sleep... I said a silent prayer for him and is a start of another new day.. :) Well, just do what I'm supose to do and get done with it. Every morning I tell myself... I will live today to the fullest! Everytime I try... *smile* and it works most of the time!
... A new begining...
Just came back from SYC concert... I enjoyed it very much... the 2nd half. *wink* the conductor's voice is so captivating... haha... going to fall in love with the bald ang moh conductor... niao er siao liao... *just kidding*. The pianist for the Jazz pieces was just so natural. I will never be able to play the piano like him... dunno how rusty are my fingers le... :S The soul, gospels, and the lullaby were equally awesome. However, hmm... I don't really understand the first half... perhaps I dunno how to appreciate the songs. Anyway, it was worth the money! *smile* It was a pleasant evening concert I would say... :)
Oh and I finally bought ticket to watch Vienna Boys' Choir! Yay... haha... really 笑! $40 + $2(sistic charge) which means $42! 穷啊…haha... nvm, once in a lifetime.
Somethings just cleared up in my head as well... feeling much happier... treating life much simpler. Things aren't just as complicated or complex as it seems at times, really just a matter of perspective on how we handle them. I will learn and do my best along the way... just keep on learning... :) I'm excited and happy can finally go home on Friday... miss everyone at home *smiling*
ok now... back to reality. haha... I still have lotsa work to get it done. Can you believe that I nearly forgotten I have an assignment due this week??? Am I really getting old... keep forgetting things... will need to start working on that soon! I mean really soon... but I feel so want to finish Chronicles of Narnia too! hmm... just face it... I'm just plain lazy! :p haha... ok, anyway, if I want to go home on Friday I have to chop-chop finish my lab report and assignment at least... else no need to balik. :S 好!I will 加油!hehe... *wink wink*