life is beautiful.. a long journey filled with wonders waiting to be discovered. Do stop n think at crossroads or humps, do not be hasty.. and also not forget to spend some time enjoying the simple things in life where money can't buy... :)
Monday, April 30, 2007
Laughs of the week
Scene 1. On the way to have lunch in Macs.
Aaron: Hey, you guys wait for me k, I go pee first, very fast.
me: Can… you go ‘P’ we go ‘Q’ k
Haha… instant laughter, luckily Aaron didn't hear it. Kurien gave me the stare and rolled eyes.
me: OMG, I just did it again… haha. Please don't tell what I just did..
Kurien: Hahahaha..
And yes, being the usual Kurien, he told everyone we met. :p
Scene 2. After shower
Huixian: Hey, your slippers are very slippery.
Aaron & I instantly exchanged looks... I kept quiet.
Aaron: Say it, I know you are going to say it...
me (trying not to laugh): No, I'm not going to say it. You knew what I was going to say... you are as lame. You say!
Aaron: Haha no, I don't. Say it, I can feel it's coming...
me: No, I'm not going to say.
Huixian: What...
me: Nothing. Some lame thing again.
Haha.. yay, I won! I didn't say it.
Don't I have better things to do? Haha... actually there were more funny moments during the whole weekend, but I forgot, see I don't always remember what I said, I'm trying to control it already ok? :p Kur, why not you document them haha... we could make a career out of it and be famous.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
falling rain
I'm stuck in my room
waiting for the rain to stop
rain makes me feel like raining too
and I hate this feeling
it sucks
eats and gets into me
don't care if the world ignores me
as long as Joanne doesn't
niao-er is more than happy
mister rain, can you please stop now
so that I could get away
and fly out of this room
it's going to be a cold day
really cold day...
even people seem cold
why of all days on a rainy day?
I could use a warm hug
warm tea
warm smile
warm woolen jacket
warm company
right now
I don't see it coming
not now
'cos it's raining
not too heavily
but enough to get you wet & drenched
and miserable
oh well, stop whining and get moving!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Niki vs Jessica : Niao-er vs Joanne
Confusion builds up in her from time to time
It's like the battle of two in the body of one
When one predominates the other
one takes control of her actions and destiny
She gets scared at times too
of what the other is capable of doing
Sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder
she does not know the person she used to know anymore
and she is supposed to be the one she grew up with
has she gone mad, again?
But even Jessica has a kind heart deep down
Perhaps Niao-er should begin to believe that
somewhere deep inside there's a kind soul to be discovered :)
p.p.s.: go watch Heroes episode 19 0.07% *smiles*
Saturday, April 21, 2007
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones that you did." Mark Twain
I did all I could
Friday, April 20, 2007
requiem of a dream
There are days when I can just be so skeptical about everything; and every single event around just seem to be conspiring against me. There is no trust. There is no real connection. Sounds scary. As if everything just withers... like the falling leaves. Everything just becomes foreign, as if being thrown into the unknown, behind the guise of facade, therein lies a lost bird singing the requiem of a dream.
Anyway I have something to share, was you-tubing out of boredom and found this requiem, beautiful composition I think : ) so much emotions in the music. amazing.
requiem of a dream
I do not know why the sudden weird entry :p perhaps too much of studying + coffee + weird concoction + insanity + not enough sleep...
To everyone: GOOD LUCK & ALL THE BEST in exams! :) Take care, get enough rest and don't get OD on coffee or any other form of caffeine or alcohol!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
thanks darlings
Joanne turned 24 years old a week ago, she wants to send her heartfelt thanks to all her darlings (family and friends) for all the well wishes, hugs, kisses, surprise visits cum parties, dinners, cards, emails, sms(es), calls, presents, cakes, chocolates and balloon. Yes, it's her best birthday ever in the NUS.
It's late and Joanne is tired. Probably will update another day.
with love,
rosy piggy :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
best match ever! : )
I knew it. Haha... I'm overjoyed. Anyone would enjoy the match, 8 goals in total!! and it's not cheapo clubs playing! Man Utd won 7-1 to Roma! Woohoo! Soccer is my first love : ) The Red Devils were simply awesome, amazing! Michael Carrick and Christiano Ronaldo both scored double, other 3 goals were by Alan Smith, Wayne Rooney and defender Patrice Evra.
TVants' streaming was exceptionally good today *smiles* although the match is still few mins late not really live. Lyndley was IM-ing me Ronaldo's 2nd goal and I was still celebrating his first. Stupid girl... Urgh! nevertheless it still feels great to catch up with soccer once again!
Good start for a good day I hope haha.. I still have Jap oral test later in the evening and I'm still so slack. Something is seriously wrong with me! Alright time to sleep now :)
Red Devils Rules! *wink*
Sunday, April 08, 2007
tribute to Liverpool
Thanks to Ferdinand's stupid own goal against Portsmouth yesterday, Chelsea is 3 points behind Man Utd now. Really hope they can win the title this season, been a little too long since they last lifted the cup.
Yeah, want to catch up with soccer again, essence of life. *smiles*
Now that everything is going to end soon, it's time to catch up with soccer, readings, writings, traveling, and of course old friends!
cheers : )
people change
People change everyday, every thing changes all the time.
The only thing that is constant is change itself.
Speak about ironies of life!
There have been lots of changes lately, I do not know whether it is more of change of heart or change of mind. *smiles* Either, it doesn't matter. Maybe it's both.
Silence does not mean ignorant, just chose not to voice out. No point saying when change is beyond limits. There is too much pride. Silence is my best defense. What we once used to talk & joke about never could be discussed over now. We don't share views like we used to. Suddenly I miss the people I used to know. But people change, I have changed too. Perhaps the change is for the better.
If change is for the whole good, change isn't that bad after all : ) starting with the man in the mirror let's make a change.
A doesn't make much sense entry haha.. so fragmented. written in the midst of chatting over msn talking crap... bah...
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
musings of life
musings of life... when people are afraid they just avoid. why not confront? to avoid massacre? or war? Perhaps I should thank the education system for molding us to be such submissive people. When all feelings and frustrations all bottled up inside waiting to be erupt things can turn very ugly. But that is really not their main concern do they? they always have people standby to clean up the mess.
ever really give a thought of yourself?
what are you to contribute in life? are you here to make a difference, regardless big or small, live a mark and give your stand. or are you just here to live cos you are stuck in the stream of life, going with the flow. or are you like the birds and the bees to help procreation of the flowers and nature, to make the world a more vibrant place. or are you like the pest to destroy the crops of life just to breathe a living. or are you just a scholar to contribute to the academics of life. or.. the list goes on and on.
Am mastering the skill of ignoring, it is the best weapon or self defense skill anyone could attain.
with regards to my equation.. I'm an engineering student, hence the mathematics equation. 1 is an entity regardless of size or whatever. no value assigned, just 1, it's a unity. *smiles*
Sunday, April 01, 2007
rainy-sunday-morning post
It’s raining, and I hate rain. It keeps all the good things out of reach, as if the whole world is weeping for you. And when one cries, nobody will take notice, how can one differentiate raindrops and tear drops in the rain anyway?
No, I’m not sad. I’m not happy either. I’m just in the rainy mood.
Woke up this morning and the first thought that came to me wasn’t something pleasant. Yes, I’m blaming the rain. Damn. Sorry.
Eccentricity will drown me one day. I should stop behaving mad.
Dreams are coming back to me again. I do not enjoy any of them. I wish the Haitian does exist in real life, or perhaps a more practical thing to wish for is a dreamcatcher.
There is no Haitian dear, and dreamcatcher is only a fable.
Amazed at my independence… but I’m not proud of it. Haha, it’s tiring, and it can be intimidating at times. I reach a certain extent where I do not know where am I heading anymore, why am I always so headstrong? Second best is not acceptable; mediocre is definitely out of the league.
Don’t get too hard on yourself my dear.
Maybe I am being too demanding. I have to admit that.
Oh by the way I have an interesting philosophy: *wink* which kind of relationship is ideal for you?
A) 1+1=2
In a relationship where there are 2 individuals, with different beliefs, ideologies; most of the time there are contrast in thoughts but somehow they just manage to get along just fine.
B) 0.5+0.5=1
“You complete me”-kind of relationship. A relationship where 2 individuals complement each other, make up for each other's strengths and weaknesses; 2 half circles become 1 full circle analogy.
C) 1+1=1
2 different individuals get together, and become one. Mathematically it doesn’t exist, in reality, it does. It’s rare though.
My ideal relationship is option C) haha. It’s so me… always go for the impossible and put myself in a fix. 2 very different people, despite the differences, they still put up with each other with due respect. As I have told Yen, and Queen… I want someone who can argue and challenge my outrageousness, but making up to each others’ mistakes by the end of the day. Haha okay, I’m not writing here it’s getting really weird already. My point is I’m just being difficult with myself. In case you are wondering what this paranoid girl is babbling haha, don’t waste your grey matter on this silly philosophy of mine. It just came to me, must be the rain.
And I realized the rain has stopped. No wonder my mood is getting cheerier. Haha, lesson learned for the day is don’t meet me on rainy days : ) unless you want to see the storm.
So, piggy is back to her normal self again, only after 2 hours she woke up from her first 8 hours of sleep in a month. Let’s get work starting now. *smiles*
To whom it may concern: Thank you for everything *hugs*. You had me realized what I want for myself and that is the best gift ever. Nothing is certain but you have my word I’ll try to keep whatever we have reached so far.
Love, (^@^)