It's amusing to interview people and get all point of view on a same subject. I discover that most of the time people only choose to believe what they want to believe. No matter how clear the truth is placed before them, people most of the time will choose to be clouded & stay in their denial state. On the same subject matter, you'll get total opposite views & stories! amazing huh, humans! *winks*
Anyway, point is, being different is part of life. Everyone is unique in their own ways. Yes, you can't compare an apple and an orange! (nor a papaya :p) Some people just happen to click with us, some people just don't but I do know people who are friendly to everyone! That's cool. really.
What's got into me again? I have no idea. Such fluctuations of mood, weird piggy! Haha. Some updates on me, should stop posting ridiculous entries but narrative ones like this is boring. Well... don't bother. :p
Oh I'm still feeling sleepy all the time yes, and my backs are still aching lack of rest I guess and not enough sleep. I wasn't all too worked up for my 2 tests today, good thing? Both were okay I guess though I'm not sure I did well in both of the papers. Bah... screw it, it's over.
FYP still the same, haha waiting for the D Day to arrive and decide my destiny. So exciting!
And, no, I don't have a bf, and, for the nth times stop asking me to look for a bf. Now, I kinda regret I didn't get one earlier hahaha. Nah, I'm talking nonsense here. :) *ignore me*
CNY was ok, kinda quiet this year, it is never the same without him celebrating with us. I can just sense that everything is falling apart, but yes, we are trying to hold things together but how long can it last, I have absolutely no idea. Anyway I'm pretty sure everything won't turn that bad since grandma is still around. Thank goodness she recovered! *smiles* can start scolding people meaning great improvement though still couldn't really walk by herself. Oh well, it was a miracle she could recover, I am absolutely grateful for that.
Happy that manage to catch up with some old friends. =) Here's a pic of us, sad, there are only 9 of us... Met up with 2 best friends of mine too, but no pictures :( oh man, I should really get a digital camera or at least a 2.0megapixel camera phone haha... no money, poor girl I am.

Last Saturday, went to Ratu's house! Ya, went alone... raja & PM didn't go, half expected anyway. Thanks a lot dear ratu *hugs* for the lunch, food, fortune cookie, car ride to mrt, everything! =) Come my place next holiday! And yes, Melaka is a nice place, although city people think it's a boring "kampung" :p nevertheless, I live near the beach, it's beautiful :) especially in the evening!
Sunday, went to another friend's house, we had a little CNY gathering with steamboat and mahjong. It was really great to see you guys & girls again, I rarely see my friends now in year 4 it's like everyone is leading their own uni life, busy with their own FYPs, no more common modules, we don't even lunch together anymore. So ya, it's good to get together again! Thanks peeps! And these are my coursemates...
Going to my best friend's place tmr night for another CNY gathering. Am quite busy with work and everything, but I should go meet up with old friends, feeling bit guilty, I rarely make an effort to keep in touch, sorry ya... I shouldn't just stay in NUS with my books all the time. My grades won't improve any further... it's sad fact, I've accepted that.
Bah... what a long and boring lengthy entry... hahaha... don't care. I'm not even reading it thru again to edit it. too lazy. that explains why I'm a piggy. :p Well, I shall change everything to small font to save space & stop writing rubbish.
Take care everyone!
To mummy & everyone at home, take care too, love piggy *hugs*