Sunday, July 30, 2006

Are you sure you know how to lead my life?

"you should have done this..."
"no, this is not the way.."
"why aren't you listening to me.. you'll regret later.."
"trust me, I am older and wiser and more experienced.."

Do these sound familiar to you? It does to me. Everyone seems to know how to tell another to lead their lives but not their own? Oh, get a life.

It's a world full of authoritarians.

Yes, it is sickening. indeed.

People learn from their own mistakes, and some said it's better to learn from other's mistakes. But what doesn't work for you, doesn't mean that it won't work for me. Do you see where I'm getting to? Ultimately, it is the process that counts, we gain different knowledge and experiences from different things. I still believe the end is always the same for everyone. But the process of life is different, and that is the only thing you can do something about it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

what is pride?

check this out more on pride from wikipedia. Yeah, it's not an entirely reliable source at all, oh well... just a fun read.

Pride is more than just being egoistic, vanity, self-centredness, patriotic, attention-seeker...

Just been thinking about it lately, if there is a price for "pride" how much will it be?

I'm just asking for humbleness is that too much to ask for?

tired of being trapped by the shadow of pride
seeing people betraying their true self
for the sake of their pride,
to maintain their status quo
is humbleness too much to ask for?

Sometimes things become so used to, so much so that people never realise what has become of them.

when pride eats up a person's soul, there will never be love resides in the heart. And that will be the saddest thing that'll ever happen.

I pray... for humbleness of mankind. =)

Friday, July 07, 2006

how much does "pride" worth?

lone ranger

what's the idea of lone ranger sounds like? fun, no? I think it's perfectly cool if I had the money and to travel where ever I like. I have the long holidays, but not enough liquid cash & no green lights to go back packing by myself!

can't even go travelling within the states.

family? friends? everyone has their own lives. It's not really nice to bug them all the time anyways...

there are people whom you think you'd really get along with, share the same interest.. but then, the time just ain't right for you to be together to do something fun.. or simple to share your common interest.

birds fly in flock.. but why am I always ended up stranded in the middle of the crowd so helplessly. yeah, a lone ranger does blend in well in the crowd. no one ever notices you; and, your are insignificant.

--the thoughts of a lone ranger--

Saturday, July 01, 2006

summer cleaning

me and my bro reorganize the furnitures at home. we moved the 2 computers out from back room; one to upstairs, the other one at the living room. connected all pcs with wireless network. [not me, my bro, the IT technician ;)] we moved some damn heavy cupboards, clear up quite some mess, and now the back room looks more spacious.

quite a day. tiring. but satisfactory. =)

though was bit upset and mad cos of some stupid incidents.. but nvm.. like what my bro said, we do not have a choice but to put up with it, regardless of whether we like it or not.

there are some other places we have yet cleared, might do it tomorrow if we're not so tired. heh.

Anyway, Argentina lost to Germany. stupid. arghh.. maybe I should just stop watching world cup. or perhaps I should support the underdogs - Portugal.